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At St Katharine’s we believe safeguarding is everybody’s responsibility and all those directly connected (staff, volunteers, governors, leaders, parents, families and learners) are an important part of the wider safeguarding system for children and have an essential role to play in making our community safe and secure.

We recognise the importance of providing an ethos and environment within our school that will help children to be safe and feel safe. Children are respected and encourage to talk openly. We believe that the best interests of children always come first. All children have the right to be heard and all our staff understand safe professional practice and follow them to ensure that children receive effective support. 

Our core safeguarding principles are:

  • Prevention
    • positive, supportive, safe culture, curriculum and pastoral opportunities for children, safer recruitment procedures.
  • Protection
    • following the agreed procedures, ensuring all staff are trained and supported to recognise and respond appropriately and sensitively to safeguarding concerns.
  • Support
    • for all learners, parents and staff, and where appropriate specific interventions are required for those who may be at risk of harm.
  • Working with parents and other agencies
    • to ensure timely, appropriate communications and actions are undertaken when safeguarding concerns arise.

Designated Safeguarding Lead: Sarah Jane Tormey (Headteacher)

Deputy Safeguarding Leads: Nikki Bridel (Assistant Headteacher and SENCO)  Xanthe Veneziani (Deputy Head)

Safeguarding Governor: Sally Garner